Not Qualifying for a Home Mortgage?

The way you file your Tax Returns may be the reason.

Did you know that the way you file your personal income taxes can prevent you from getting your mortgage for your home?

Too often I see potential home buyers with excellent credit and job stability go into a purchase contract to buy a home and give a large down payment and  find out later that they never did qualify because of the way they filed their Income Taxes.  This can easily be prevented if you work with an experienced and knowledgeable Mortgage Professional that will pre-approve you based on facts.  In today’s  Mortgage Lending Industry we are totally transparent when it comes to what Income can be used to determine what your really qualify for.  So don’t take short cuts! Get pre-approved  before you enter a purchase agreement on a home and especially before you enter a Construction contract.  This single step could save you thousands of dollars and unnecessary stress.

I see too many cases where a Mortgage Lender will approve a potential home buyer but did not properly underwrite the home buyer’s  financial information. Later the home buyers find themselves in a situation where they could lose their down payment, their lot, and even their credit.

If you are wanting  to buy a home, now is the time to start planning and reviewing what you need to do to properly get pre-approved.

Visit for more information.

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